How to lose belly fat

Exercise manThe Sudden Shock

Its every guy’s nightmare, you step out the shower one Saturday morning and look in the mirror, and there it is, the jelly belly. It’s at that point you realize, you don’t play ball in the yard any more, now the kids just want to go to the mall, and play a different type of game with the girls, rather than play ball with dad. You start to think about those late nights with the lads drinking the cold beers, and those unnecessary stops for burgers and fries on the way home, and now you’re paying the price, with belly fat. There is one comforting fact if you can call it that, you are not alone, because at present around 40% of the population in the US, suffer from belly fat. Luckily we are living in what many are calling the information age, and therefore we don’t need to look far, to get the help we need in dietary matters, and most things regarding our general good health.

The Results Are In

Now don’t be one of those guys who say’s “wow how did this happen” because nobody goes to bed on a Friday, with a fit athletic body, then wakes on Saturday morning with a jelly belly. We all know this is not something that happens overnight, but it can creep up on us slowly. When we have young families you are always chasing around, playing with the kids, and burning off all those calories, but slowly things change and the chasing becomes walking, or worse, on the couch watching a ball game, often with a cold beer, and now you’re just adding calories. Since all the fast food chains have sprung up, we seem to have social eating. How many times have you met up with friends at a fast food joint, and had a burger and fries, with a coke or shake, when you’ve not even been hungry, and don’t say never because we all have at some time. Also with today’s busy schedules, it’s so much easier to eat on the go, than to be at home and prepare a proper healthy meal. So there we have it; bad diet + lack of exercise = belly fat, but saying that there are some people with thyroid, and other medical conditions which effect the metabolism and cause weight gain.

How we lose it

The bad news here is, exercise alone will not get rid of your belly fat, or abdominal obesity as it is sometimes called, but you need to do something about it as it poses a real health hazard. Exercises that strengthen your abdominal muscles will make you feel better and make you look trimmer, but you need to do more. The key is a balanced healthy diet, with regular exercise, and to start with that could be up to an hour per day, to start breaking that fat down. It doesn’t need to be anything extreme, brisk walking; swimming and cycling are all good, or you could do a mix of all three. Now it’s not all bad news, here is a bit of very good news, when you start dieting and exercising, the first thing to start to go is belly fat, and that works the same with most people.

Crunch That Belly

If you really want to lose that belly you have got to work those abdominal muscles. Again it doesn’t need to be anything extreme, if you were to do twenty-five sit-up’s as soon as you get up in the morning, and again last thing at night, which would be a great start. You can also develop strong abdominal muscle by, sucking in your stomach, fully exhaling while trying to suck in even harder, and holding for ten seconds. This works just as well if you are standing or on the floor on your hands and knees. There is a pelvic exercise which works well on abdominal muscles; Lie on your back with your knees bent. Tighten your abdominal muscles and bend your pelvis up slightly. Hold for five to 10 seconds. Repeat ten times. Once you start to see the results it’s easy to motivate yourself to continue and really get back in shape. If you want some diet tips take a look here;

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